Letin Teak

Letin Teak

PTT prove Ltin teak wood:-
Colour | Appearance:
Heartwood tends to be light brown because of colour darkening with age. It has lesser oil content and is slightly less durable than African or Burmese teak.

Grain | Texture:
Teak has a coarse texture with medium-sized open pores. The grain tends to be straight, though it can occasionally be wavy or interlocked. Teak also has a slightly oily or greasy feel due to its natural oils.

Rot Resistance:
Teak has been considered by many to be the gold standard for decay resistance, and its heartwood is rated as very durable. Teak is also resistant to termites.

Easy to work in nearly all regards, with the only caveat being that Teak contains a high level of silica (up to 1.4%) which has a pronounced blunting effect on cutting edges. Despite its natural oils, Teak usually glues and finishes well. In some instances, it may be necessary to wipe the surface of the wood with a solvent before glueing/finishing to reduce the natural oils on the surface of the wood.

Teak can have a leather-like scent when freshly milled.

This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.